Watch out for Counterfeit Safety Products

RALEIGH – NC Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall is urging consumers in North Carolina to keep a wary eye out for counterfeit products including hand sanitizer, gloves and face masks amid rising concerns about coronavirus.

“Sadly, scam artists will use our fear against us in situations such as this,” noted Secretary Marshall on Monday. “With many stores and online retailers currently sold out of hand sanitizer we know that counterfeiters may take advantage of this public health concern, so I ask consumers to use caution. Just as you aren’t likely to see legitimatehand sanitizer being sold from unusual places such as roadside stands, you should also be wary when you see a new vendor with low ratings selling these items online. Productsthat don’t meet safety standards may put you at greater risk than simply continuing tofollow experts’ recommendations for frequent thorough hand washing.”

If you see suspected counterfeit safety and health products being sold, please report it tothe NC Secretary of State’s Office at If you see such products being sold online, take a screen shot and include the link in your email. You can also report counterfeits by going to and finding Counterfeit Trademarks under the Trademark Division.

Federal authorities are warning of fake home testing kits for the Coronavirus. Authorized diagnostic testing for COVID-19 is conducted in verified state and local public health laboratories across the United States. The public should be aware of bogus home testing kits for sale either online or in informal direct to consumer settings.

If you suspect price gouging for safety and health products, please report it to the NCAttorney General’s Office at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM.
